About Us

What is Alfredo?
Alfredo is team of 4561 Alumni. We created Alfredo Systems to develop and distribute open source software and electronics for hobby roboticists in the arenas of combat robotics, MiniFRC, and now XRP.

What is MiniFRC?
MiniFRC is robotics competition created by FRC team 4561: the TerrorBytes. It has been both a summer camp for elementary school students, and a proving ground for new TerrorBytes to build confidence. MiniFRC has been an outstanding outreach program.

What does Alfredo have to do with MiniFRC?
Alfredo Systems was created to support MiniFRC. We maintain the open source software that runs the robots, help make the games, write the Field Management Systems used at the events, and offer kits and parts on our store.

What is XRP?
The XRP platform is a new robotics platform engineered by Sparkfun in partnership with Experiential Robotics. We created PestoLink so that XRP can be used in robotics competitions like MiniFRC. And recently we worked with FIRST an Experiential Robotics to create a new challenge: Mountain Mayhem!